Is the vegan diet healthier?

Is the vegan diet healthier?

My professional aim is to help everyone I work with make an informed decision about the food they choose to eat, and which foods suit them best. In my experience, there are three main reasons why someone may choose to become vegan: To prevent animal cruelty. To be...
Reasons why you should not adopt ‘diet culture’

Reasons why you should not adopt ‘diet culture’

… because you are worth more than the societal dictation of what your body “should” look like. Diet culture equates thinness to worth. Diet culture is deeply rooted in patriarchal control that makes us [women] believe we should take up less space. We should be...
About Emily

About Emily

Growing up, I was a keen swimmer, competing on a regional & national level. Back then, it was perfectly normal for my dad to hand me 30p after an hour of arduous training in the pool, so I could buy a pack of fruit pastilles from the vending machine. Those...